Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on History of Hunting through the Ages - 1076 Words

A lot of people just think of hunting as a thing were you go up into a tree and wait for a duck to come flying bye or a deer to walk in the sight so we can shoot them well you see that is hunting but how did we get to here. Why do we hunt the way that we do well it is because of how we got ideas off of the old ways we did it the history of hunting, the old way that we did things not the waiting for it to come to use the I am going to go get what I want and need. Now you see many people think that all hunting was from a tree and that it was from a deer stand and that we used high powered rifles to shoot deer from hundreds of yards. Well I can say that if you think that then you are just wrong that wasn’t the way that we hunted thousands of†¦show more content†¦But during this time was when they had stone tools that helped them with their hunt. Like they would have sharp rocks on the tip of sticks to help cut up there catch or help kill it. The hunting style never chang ed they still chased after the animals and never settled down they were in a nomads place a no home kind of place but really this is the foundation to the history of hunting. Basically as a start this is where it is there was nothing else really in hunting that changed yea before aps chased down the prey just like they did and they followed them so this was the foundation that this time still there was no change. But around 15000 years later they found arrows and arrow heads which mean that hunting towards 5000 B.C took a turn they had bows which are used for longer ranged kills or put downs so you can go and kill the animal while it is down. But that means that they were starting to learn that you have to wait for the animal you can’t just go for it you have to wait for it to come to you. So with the high power of the bow and the reach with the spear you could do many things, now this latter on about 300 years later and this is where the first animal that helps with hunting and that is the horse. Many people started stabbing spears into animals and shooting bows from horseback, because us as humans if it is a deer or a bison that is running there is no way that we are going to check it. Well ifShow MoreRelatedWhat s Merica Without Meat1657 Words   |  7 PagesWhat s Merica’ Without Meat A man and his son make their way through the dark on a cool fall morning. The fog lies over the hills like a thick blanket. The man and his son talk about the things that have happened in recent times and share memories from years past, too. The morning continues, and as time passes, the two realize that this will be an experience to remember for many years to come. 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